Since several of you out there think of me as a children's author, I have to say categorically that this book is absolutely, positively NOT suitable for children or young adult readers — it's much too naughty — although regrettably I have no way of stopping you buying it if you decide to do so.
Madame de Gaulle's Penis is not, and probably never will be, available through your local bookshop, but you can order a copy from,, and, more cheaply but a little slower, from It might even turn up on the Barnes and Noble web site eventually. Search for it by title or author name.
Congratulations on your book! Glad you finally ventured into self-publishing. Although your book has a special market, i think it will be successful with a well-planned book marketing campaign. I'm sure a lot of adventurous adults will enjoy. Thanks for sharing!
Greetings Herbie, Christopher here. I am glad to see you are still a writing success. I myself am working on three books right now and I hope to have them published in this year or the next. I will look for some of your works the next time I go to Barnes and Noble. Blessed Be.
Good luck with the books, Christopher.
Curiouser and curiouser, said the crazymad writer... (Seriously, though, good luck with the book, Herbie.
I will definately have to check this one out.
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